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Preliminary Standing Postures


This is the basis for all standing postures. This may be taken as relaxation in a standing position.


Stand in a straight posture by keeping the legs together, and also keep the big toes, heels and knees touching each other. Keep the hand fingers stretched by the side of the thigh muscles, and the chest forward. Entire weight of the body should rest evenly on the heels and toes. Breathing should be normal and slow. Close your eyes. Hear all the external sounds without resistance, and be one with nature.


One will feel lightness in the body due to equal distribution of the weight on the heels and toes of the two legs. The mind acquires calmness due to uniform flow of Prana in the body.


In the Trikonasana there is a lateral movement of the spine, whereas in Suryanamasakara there are forward and backward movements of the spine. Thus by practising these standing postures, the spine becomes more flexible. Flexibility is the symptom of young age.

Trikonasana 001

Trikonasana 002

Trikonasana 003

Trikonasana 004


Stand in Tadasana. Separate your legs and keep them 2 to 2 feet apart. Slowly stretch both the hands to the level of the shoulders with palms facing down and keep them parallel to the ground. Slowly exhale and bend the trunk towards the right and try to keep the right palm touch the ground near the right ankle, all the while keeping the legs straight without bend. The entire palm may be made to rest on the foot. Keep the left hand stretched over the head and parallel to the ground. Look forward. Retain the posture for a few seconds in the beginning, with normal breathing, and gradually increase it to one minute. Concentrate on the spine during this posture. Slowly bring the left hand to its original position, lift the right hand from the ground and simultaneously straighten the trunk and bring the legs together and stand erect in Tadasana.

After 2 or 3 deep breaths, repeat the process bending the trunk on the left side.


This Asana removes the stiffness in the legs, arms and hips, corrects minor deformities in the legs, relieves backache and neck sprains, and develops the chest.

Note: Standing postures and Suryanamaskaras can be practised by all, young and old, with normal health, without any age restrictions.


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