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Vedantic Contemplation

Dive deep into the heart by withdrawing the mind from the sensual objects. Kill this illusory little "I" and know "I am He (Soham)." Just as the drop of water loses its name and form and joins the sea, so also the Jiva gets himself merged in the Supreme Soul and loses his own name and form.

If you are a very busy man and if you lead a travelling life always, you need not have a special room and a special time for meditation. Do "Soham" Japa and Dhyana along with the breath. This is very easy. Or you can associate Rama Mantra also with the breath. Then every moment of breath will become a prayer and a meditation. Remember "Soham" or "Rama." Feel His presence everywhere. This will suffice.

If the mind constantly dwells on sensual objects, the conception of the reality of the universe will surely increase. If the mind ceaselessly thinks of Atman, the world appears like a dream. Free yourself from the base thoughts of the mind, the various useless Sankalpas (imaginations). Make ceaseless enquiry of Atman. Mark the word "ceaseless." This is important. Then only there will be the dawn of spiritual knowledge.

In Vedanta or the path of Jnana, the terms "Manana" (reflection) and "Nididhyasana" are very frequently used. Manana is Vijatiya Vritti-Tiraskara (driving away all the thoughts of worldly objects), and Svajatiya-Vritti-Pravaha (increasing the thought-currents of God or Brahman like a steady stream). Nididhyasana is deep intense contemplation. It is Anatma- Vritti-Nirodha or Atmakara-Vritti-Sthiti. The mind is perfectly established in the Absolute. No worldly thought will intrude now. The contemplation is like a steady flow of oil (Tailadharavat).

In the beginning when you are a neophyte, you can close your eyes to remove the distraction of mind, as you are very weak. But later on you must meditate with eyes open, even during walking. You must keep your balance of mind at all times. Otherwise there is no hope of perfection. Be always contemplating on the non-existence of this phenomenal world. Atman only exists.

All the visible things are Maya. Maya will vanish through Jnana, or meditation on Atman. One should exert himself to get rid of Maya. Maya havocs through the mind. Destruction of the mind means the annihilation of the Maya. Meditation is the only way of conquering Maya.

It is the actions of the mind that are truly termed Karmas. True liberation results from the disenthronement of the mind. Those who have freed themselves from the fluctuation of their minds come into possession of the Supreme Nishtha (meditation). Should the mind be purged of all its impurities, then it will become very calm and all the worldly delusions attendant on its births and deaths will be soon destroyed.

If you place a big mirror in front of a dog and keep some bread in front, the dog at once barks by looking at its reflection in the mirror. It foolishly imagines that there is another dog. Even so, man sees his own reflection only, through his mind-mirror, in all the people but foolishly imagines like the dog that they are all different from him and fights on account of hatred and jealousy.

"There is no world. There is neither body nor the mind. There is only One Chaitanya (Pure Consciousness). I am that Pure Consciousness." This is Nirguna meditation (without attributes).

In Nididhyasana (meditation) you will have to develop the Svajatiya-Vritti-Pravaha. Make the thoughts of Brahman or Divine presence flow like inundation or flood. Do Vijatiya- Vritti-Tiraskara. Renounce the thoughts of objects. Drive them away with the whip of Viveka and Vichara. There is struggle in the beginning. It is trying indeed. But later on as you grow stronger and stronger and as you grow in purity and Brahma- Chintana, Sadhana becomes easy. You rejoice in the life of unity. You get strength from Atman. Inner strength grows when all the Vishaya-Vrittis are thinned out and the mind becomes one-pointed (Ekagra).

Try to identify yourself with the eternal, immortal, ever pure Atman that resides in the chambers of your heart. Think and feel always: I am the ever-pure Atman. This one thought will remove all troubles and fanciful thoughts. The mind wants to delude you. Start this anti-current of thoughts. The mind will lurk like a thief.

Vedantic Meditation

This is only Nirguna meditation. Meditate on the following formulae:-

I am the all OM OM OM

I am All in all OM OM OM

I am the Immortal Self in All OM OM OM

I am the living Truth OM OM OM

I am the living Reality OM OM OM

I am the Witness of the three states

(Aham Sakshi, Avasthatraya-Sakshi) OM OM OM

I am Light of lights

(Nirakara Jyotis-Svarupoham) OM OM OM

I am Sun of suns OM OM OM

I am Existence, Knowledge, Bliss Absolute

(Sat-Chit-Ananda-Svarupoham) OM OM OM

Even in Nirakara (formless) Vedantic meditation of Advaitins there will be an abstract mental image in the beginning of Sadhana. The abstract image will vanish eventually. When you meditate or assert, negate the three bodies and identify yourself with the indwelling Essence. Deny the names and forms. Do not mistake either the physical body or the mind, the Prana, the intellect or the Indriyas for the pure Eternal Atman. The highest Self is entirely distinct from these illusory vehicles or Mayaic products. Remember this point well. Meditate on the above ideas and bring the Bhava during work also. You can take up any one of the above formulae according to your taste. Bring back the mind to the point again and again if the mind wanders. You can rotate the mind from one formula to another if the mind wanders, and finally fix it on one formula only, when the mind has become steady. The mind will become now like the steady flame of a lamp in a windless place. The one formula also will drop by itself. You will rest in your own Svarupa, thoughtless state of pure bliss. Samadhi or superconscious state will ensue now. Enjoy the Atmic bliss. Rejoice in the inner Immortal Self.

Assertions for Vedantic Nididhyasana

I am Light of lights OM OM OM

All Purity I am OM OM OM

All Bliss I am OM OM OM

All-pervading Consciousness I am OM OM OM

Satchidananda-Svarupoham OM OM OM

Akhanda-Ekarasa-Chinmatroham OM OM OM

Bhumananda-Svarupoham OM OM OM

Aham Sakshi (I am witness) OM OM OM

Nirvisesha-Chinmatroham OM OM OM

Asangoham (I am unattached) OM OM OM

The glory of Jivanmukta, a liberated sage, is indescribable. He is Brahman himself. Eight Siddhis and nine Riddhis roll under his feet. Through Sat-Sankalpa (true resolve) he can work wonders or miracles. Glory, glory to such Jivanmuktas who are blessed souls on earth. May their blessings be upon you all!

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