All About Sivananda
by Swami Venkatesananda
Bhagavan! Thy child's tiny hands have gathered these small flowers from the immense garden of Thy glory, and woven them into a clumsy garland; but it is offered at Thy Divine Feet with a big noise (calling it "All About Sivananda"). The fragrance, and the beauty and the colour, belong to Thee. It is Thine own unsurpassable love for Thy children that makes Thee accept this, too.
It was said of Lord Sri Krishna that everything about Him was sweet. It is true of Bhagavan Sivananda, today. Dr. Kuppuswamy transformed himself into Swami Sivananda: and the austere, stern and hard taskmaster Swami Sivananda has somehow mysteriously vanished-when and how, no one knows. The Siva* we see in our midst today is the most loveable concrete manifestation of Divine Life.
May that Love dwell in our hearts!
* 'Siva' is 'Swami Sivananda'.
"All About Sivananda" is a kind of all-round meditation on the various phases of the personality and message of the great saint and sage, His Holiness Sri Swami Sivanadaji Maharaj, as visualised by the author, Swami Venkatesananda, who was a direct disciple of the Master. This is a veritable pen-picture of the many sides which the majestic hero of this book touched in his personal life and teachings.
This little, interesting book was printed three times already, in the years 1957, 1971 and 1978. But the printed copies were exhausted quickly, since devotees everywhere began to demand copies for their daily religious sessions. The impact of this beautiful presentation seems to have been such on the minds of lovers of God and religious men, that we received a pressing request from Sri D.S. Kulkarni, a retired teacher, from Hubli, Karnataka, that this book be made available to the public as early as possible, and with this request he sent his devout love-offering by means of a financial contribution towards its publication. This Institution is grateful to this ardent well-wisher of this Ashram and devotee of Sri Gurudev Swami Sivananda, for his being instrumental in the coming out of this book now in its Fourth Edition, for the benefit of everyone.
7th March, 1985.