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The Role of Faith in Bhakti Sadhana

by Swami Sivananda

Arm yourself with faith in God. Vain argumentation is a sign of ignorance. Faith leads to peace and harmony. Argument produces restlessness. However much you argue you cannot understand the nature of God; even as, however much you try you cannot see your own eye-balls, except in a mirror. That mirror is faith. Faith reflects God; intellect veils Him. God is the Hand that holds the torch of your intellect; it is useless trying to apply your intellect to the Truth of His Existence. What is required is faith. Faith in the Existence of God, faith in the words of saints and sages, will lead to inward peace and joy; and in that stillness you will discover God. You will shine as an embodiment of peace, love and unity. From you will spring forth thoughts, words and actions that will flood the entire world with peace, plenty and prosperity. May you all shine as saints, Yogins, sages and Jivanmuktas! May there be peace in the world and love in the heart of man! May His Divine Power triumph in this universe, now and for ever! May God bless you all with health, long life, peace, prosperity and Eternal Bliss!

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