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Inner Government

by Swami Sivananda

Salutations to the Para Brahman who is the substratum for the Inner Government, who is the Supreme Head of the Inner Government, and who is the Supreme Purusha in the celestial hierarchy and who is an embodiment of Knowledge and Bliss.

He Who dwells within this world, Who is within this world, Whom the world does not know, Whose body is this world, Who rules the world from within is thy innermost Self, Inner Ruler, Immortal. He is the Supreme Head of the Inner Government.

He Who dwells in the body, Who is within this body, Whom the body does not know, Whose body is this body, Who rules the body from within is thy innermost Self, Inner Ruler.

He Who dwells in the eyes, Who is within the eyes, Whom the eyes do not know, Whose body is the eyes, Who rules the eyes from within, know Him to be the Supreme Head of the Inner Government.

He Who dwells in the ears, Who is within the ears, Whom the ears do not know, Whose body is the ears, Who rules the ears from within, know Him to be the Supreme Head of the Inner Government.

He Who dwells in the mind, Who is within the mind, Whom the mind does not know, Whose body is the mind, Who rules the mind from within, know Him to be the Supreme Head of the Inner Government.

He Who dwells in the Prana, Who is within the Prana, Whom the Prana does not know, Whose body is the Prana, Who rules the Prana from within, know Him to be the Supreme Head of the Inner Government.

He Who dwells in the Buddhi, Who is within the Buddhi, Whom the Buddhi does not know, Whose body is the Buddhi, Who rules the Buddhi from within, know Him to be the Supreme Head of the Inner Government.

Just as there is a Government in all countries to govern the nation and maintain law and order, so also there is an Inner Government to maintain law and order in this universe.

The inner marvellous Government has Satyam as their banner, Dharma (righteousness) as their seal, Omkara as the band, discrimination as the coat-of-arms and dispassion as the shield.

This is an eternal Government. They have one unchanging policy, viz., of helping the aspirants to attain Self-realisation. They do not thirst for annexing dominions. Their treasure is inexhaustible. Their dominion is illimitable and boundless. Their wealth consists of supreme peace, eternal bliss, perennial joy, everlasting satisfaction and divine knowledge or Upanishadic wisdom.

The head of a Government is either a President, or a dictator, or a king or a Maharaja. The head of the Inner Government is Isvara or the Supreme Lord Who assumes three forms, viz., Brahma or Hiranyagarbha for the purpose of creation, Vishnu for the purpose of maintenance or preservation and Rudra for the purpose of dissolution or destruction, Who is the Antaryamin or Inner Ruler and the spiritual director.

Above Isvara is Para Brahman Who is the silent witness and supreme head. By His command the earth and the sky stand apart. By His command the sun and the moon always rotate as the flaming fire-brand. By His command the rivers and the seas do not over-step the limits. By His command the seasons, solstices and the years do not transgress. By His command Karmas and their performers and their fruits do not likewise go beyond their appointed time. By His command the sky, the sun and the moon stand in their respective places.

This whole universe evolved from the Brahman moves in the highest Brahman. That Brahman is a great terror, like an uplifted thunderbolt. Those who know this become immortal.

From fear of Brahman fire burns; from fear of Him the sun shines; from fear of Him Indra and Vayu and Death, run.

There is perfect justice in the administration of the Inner Government. The Devatas obtain their status according to their merit and righteous actions.

The Lord is assisted by the eight Lokapalas or guardians of the quarters. They are Indra, Varuna, Agni, Yama, Nirriti, Marut, Kubera and Isana. Yama, Varuna, Indra, Brihaspati and Surya are the Chief Ministers of this Lord of the Inner Government. They have a subtle fiery body. They can assume any form at their will. They are endowed with great powers.

The eight Vasus, the eleven Rudras, the twelve Adityas also do their own part in the administration of the Inner Government. Indra is at the head of the Devas. Anyone who has got the qualification can become an Indra or attain Indrahood. Indrahood is a status in the celestial hierarchy.

The blowing of winds, the rising of the sun, the change in Ritus or seasons, the fall of rain and their stoppage are all governed by the Devatas or gods.

There is the celestial hierarchy of gods. There are series of successive terms of different rank. Suppose there be a youth, a good youth, well versed in the scriptures, well-disciplined, resolute and very strong. Suppose his is all this earth full of wealth. This is one human bliss. A hundredfold of the bliss of human beings is the unit measure of the bliss of human Gandharvas. A hundredfold of the bliss of human Gandharvas is the unit measure of the bliss of celestial Gandharvas. A hundredfold of the bliss of Devas is the unit measure of the bliss of gods known as Karma Devas. A hundredfold of the bliss of Karma Devas is the unit measure of the bliss of Indra. A hundredfold of the bliss of Indra is the bliss of Brihaspati. A hundredfold of the bliss of Brihaspati is the bliss of Prajapati. A hundredfold of the bliss of Prajapati is the unit measure of the bliss of Brahma. The bliss of Brahma is but an atom when compared to the bliss of the Supreme Lord of the Inner Government.

The change of Ministry in the cabinet of the Inner Government comes at the beginning of a Mahakalpa.

The Lord is omnipotent. He does everything through mere Sankalpa. He is not in need of instruments like hands etc. So do the Devas too.

According to Christianity, there is the collective body of angels grouped in three divisions and nine orders of different power and glory: (1) Seraphim, Cherubim, (2) Dominations or dominions, virtues, powers, (3) Principalities, Archangels, Angels. Angel is a divine messenger, or son of God. He corresponds to the Deva of the Hindus. Archangel is an Angel of the highest order.

This body, mind and the senses also which form a part of the universe are governed by the various gods. Here also there is Inner Government. Varuna presides over the tongue, Indra over the hand, Vishnu over the feet, Sun over the eyes, Vayu over the skin, Dik over the ears, Asvins over the nose, Agni over speech, Yama over the anus, Prajapati over the reproductive organ, Soma over the mind, Brahma over the intellect, Vishnu over Chitta and Rudra over Ahamkara. The five elements are also presided over by the respective Devatas.

These Devatas guide us and stretch their hands to help us to climb the summit of Divine glory when we approach them with devotion. They remove the obstacles in the spiritual path and throw light on the path. They maintain the harmony of the world. They are propitiated by oblations of ghee and water and recitation of Mantras and prayers. You will find prayers to Agni and Surya in the Isavasya Upanishad.

He who understands the harmonious working of the Inner Government and moves in harmony with the Inner Government and knows the supreme head of the Inner Government will attain prosperity, undying fame and glory, eternal bliss and immortality.



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