Meditation is the only way for attaining Immortality and Eternal Bliss. Those who do not concentrate and meditate are slayers of Atman (Atmahanah)-Isa Upanishad, Mantra 3. They are in fact living corpses and miserable wretches.
The wise cut asunder the knot of egoism by that sharp sword of constant meditation. Then dawns supreme knowledge of the Self or full inner illumination or Self-realisation. The liberated sage has neither doubts not delusions now. All the bonds of Karma are rent asunder. Therefore be ever engaged in meditation. This is the master-key for opening the realms of eternal bliss. It may be tiring and disgusting in the beginning because the mind will be running away from the point every now and then. After some practice it will be focussed in the centre. You will be immersed in the Divine Bliss.
Great Rishis and sages of yore like Yajnavalkya, Uddalaka, etc., acquired the knowledge of the Self which is a means to secure the highest communion through intense meditation.
Just as you require food for the body, so also you require food for the soul in the shape of prayers, Japa, Kirtan, meditation, etc. Just as you are agitated when you do not get food in time, so also you will be agitated if you do not pray in the morning and in the evening when you have kept up the practice of prayer and Japa for some time. The food for the soul is more essential than the food for the body. Therefore do your prayers, Japa and meditation regularly.
Just as you grow jasmine, rose, lily, honolulu and temple-flowers in your garden, so also you should cultivate the flowers of peaceful thoughts, thoughts of love, mercy, kindness, purity, etc., in the vast garden of your Antahkarana. Through introspection you will have to water this garden of mind and with meditation and sublime thinking remove the weeds of vain, useless, discordant thoughts.
When you see the flower on a mango tree, you know pretty well that you will get mangoes quickly. Even so, if you have Santi in your mind, be sure that you will get good meditation and the fruit of Jnana quickly.
Like attracts like. This is a great law. Entertain good thoughts. Do meditation. You will attract Sadhus, Yogis and Siddhas. You will be benefited by their vibrations. Your new spiritual vibration will attract them.