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Articles by Swami Chidananda
Articles by Swami Chidananda
Dec. 23 |
Swami Chidananda
Light of the World, my heart’s adoration to Thee, Lord, and prostrations again and again in utter lowliness of spirit! Glory be to Thee for ever and for ever!
Lord Jesus the Christ IS; here and now! Christ is Eternal. He has proclaimed...
Oct. 1 |
by Swami Chidananda
Puranas are sacred scriptures through which the wise seers of ancient times have tried to give us the precious treasures of wisdom, inspiration and guidance. They are holy books into which great sages have packed in deep facts about...
Jul. 19 | July 1964
Om Namo Bhagavte Sivanandaya!
Salutations and worshipful Pranams to the sacred lotus-Feet of the Guru whose form is to be an object of our meditation, whose feet are to be adored, whose words are most holy truths and whose Grace grants us supreme...
May. 26 |
By Sri Swami Chidananda
This article is from the book Awake! Realise Your Divinity!.
Beloved and worshipful Gurudev! Homage unto thy glorious and gracious spiritual presence, thou who art the light, the life and the soul of this Ashram that...
Apr. 26 |
Videos of H.H. Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj, Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh-Himalayas.
Dec. 25 |
Dattatreya – The Divine Trinity
By Sri Swami Chidananda
( Dattatreya Jayanti Message from the book Awake! Realise Your Divinity!)
Worshipful homage unto Dattatreya, the trimurti avatara, the divine son of the austere and illumined Sri Atri Maharshi...
Feb. 12 | By Swami Chidananda
We will soon be observing the sacred annual worship of Lord Siva, Mahasivaratri. It is customary to regard and to speak of Lord Siva in terms of being a destroyer. The three aspects of the Supreme Being are Brahma the creator, Vishnu...
Aug. 18 |
Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light unto all…” Message of Jesus Christ.
Time is maintaining, from epoch to epoch, a delightful encyclopaedia of great personalities who...
Jan. 1 |
Worshipful homage to the Absolute Being, the eternal and infinite Reality that is here and now. Precisely because of Its infinitude—encompassing all things, pervading and present everywhere—and because of Its eternal nature— existing at all times—It...
Feb. 28 |
Radiant Immortal Atman! Beloved and blessed children of the Divine, Jijnasus and mumukshus! A jijnasu is one who is in quest of knowledge, jnana. A mumukshu is one who is desirous of liberation or moksha. It is with a quest, a desire for knowledge, a...