Time Limit for Anushthana
by Swami Sivananda
There is no time-limit for Anushthana. It all depends upon the liking of the individual. It can be done even for a single day. It has its own effect. But better it is to practise for long periods, since the mind is well disciplined in such practices. The longer the Anushthana, the greater the power the Sadhaka gets. He becomes like a Yogi, possessed of health, wealth, prosperity, knowledge and power. Whatever he wishes he gets. Anushthana can be performed even in night time. On the other hand, the practice at night is more powerful and brings quicker results than the Anushthana done during day time. The mind is calm and is free from the world at night. So it is that all practices at night have got a greater force or Samskara.
Anushthana is a precursor to the practice of Yoga. It disciplines the mind and prepares the mind for Yogic meditation. It is a severe Tapasya which, if not performed with any worldly desire, will lead the Sadhaka to the height of spiritual illumination.