How precious each soul is to God is brought out through the parable of the lost sheep. There was a certain man who had one hundred sheep. One day, one of his sheep fails to return home. Notwithstanding the fact that he has got ninety-nine sheep safely and securely put back into the pen, this man will take a lantern and go out looking for the lost sheep in the darkness of the night amid the howling wind and inclement weather. Even though ninety-nine are there, what does it matter? He will go after the one that is more precious to him than the ninety-nine he has got, the one lost sheep. So over hill and dale, up mountain crag and heights he will climb and endanger himself, risking his life, in order to find the sheep and bring it back.
Such is the love of God, the Divine Love. This one lost sheep is as precious to Him as the ninety-nine other sheep which He has already got. Such is the love, the spontaneous love, the Father has for each of you. The Father is always gracious. No matter what a stinker you have been. No matter what depths of degradation you have fallen in, you may have eaten with the swine. It doesn't matter. All that is nothing in the eyes of the Father. Such is the parable of the prodigal son. When the son willfully went away, the Father was so sad. He was pining for the son more than the son knew. When the son returned, there were open arms. Always a welcome is waiting for you, and the best robe, the choicest robe. "Go, put my choicest robe upon my dear son who has returned. Let everyone rejoice." There is no parable that brings out the relationship between the individual and God more appropriately and wonderfully than the parable of the prodigal son.
This is the relationship between God and the individual soul. That is infinite love. And no barrier can stand between you and He, only you must start moving towards Him. Ask of His Grace, and immediately you shall have it in abundance. In His sight all are precious. As Jesus proclaimed: "Come unto Me all that are weary and heavy-laden; I will give thee shelter." God is love. If you have devotion to Him, all other considerations are swept away. He doesn't care. He only sees your heart.